Battling Substance Abuse Through a Luxury Recovery Program

Substance AbuseBattling Substance Abuse Through a Luxury Recovery Program

Battling Substance Abuse Through a Luxury Recovery Program

If you’ve ever seen someone with an addiction, chances are you have a good idea of what rehab is or have at least heard of a rehab program before. What you may not know is that there are different types of rehab and that depending on the type of program you enter, you will receive other levels of care with additional support and amenities. Private addiction treatment centers are generally considered better than most state-run public facilities and hospitals. The difference for this comes down to how they set up the programs and the type of amenities included. 

A luxury recovery program has access to a broader range of options when it comes to treatment as well as a number of other benefits that your run-of-the-mill rehab center cannot offer. Upscale addiction treatment is superior to standard recovery programs in many ways. As your strategic partner in healthcare, we here at Atlas Healthcare Group believe in providing clients with everything they need to have a successful recovery. This includes a top-tier rehab experience with luxury addiction treatment programs aimed at providing the best services and amenities, and support. 

In this post, we are going to look at what it means to join a luxury recovery program, the types of services offered, and how this improves addiction recovery rates. Contact our California addiction and mental health treatment center today.

What Makes a Luxury Recovery Program Different? 

You might see the term luxury recovery program and think that it only means a fancier treatment facility or that the treatments are more expensive. There is much more to a luxury rehab than that, though. Luxury rehab refers to the entire experience, including how you feel while you are there. The goal is to make the client feel like they have stepped away from the struggles of day-to-day life and into a place where they can focus solely on their recovery and whatever that means for their unique journey. 

What a specific rehab offers as part of its luxury program will vary from place to place, but the key differences between standard rehabs and luxury rehabs are essential. 

First, luxury rehabs are not designed to feel like a clinical or hospital setting. These are often cold and impersonal, making the client feel like a number rather than someone needing help. They achieve this by making the rehab facility feel more like a home than a treatment facility. This is where better accommodations come in. 

Another aspect of luxury rehab programs is the level and types of treatment. Luxury programs are able to offer more types of treatment and a different variety besides the typical psychological approach. Adopting techniques that combine standard treatments with a more holistic approach has led to higher recovery rates and happier clients overall. In some cases, clients who have failed other treatment plans before being able to complete treatment and move on to a successful recovery after attending a luxury program. 

The last and most important difference is in the level of support. Luxury programs hire only highly qualified staff and have access to support programs, 12-step groups, and all sorts of post-treatment care that you may not find at your typical rehab. This can drastically improve the success of clients completing the program. 

What to Look For in a Luxury Recovery Program?

If it sounds like luxury addiction treatment is the right choice for you, then you want to know what to look for when you investigate a program to attend. Here are a few tips on what to ask about or look for. 

First, the location of the facility is usually out of the way in a secluded area to better provide for privacy. This is so that clients don’t have to worry about others seeing them in treatment. Whether they are part of an outpatient or inpatient program, privacy is important to most people. 

Second, you want to ensure that their care is right for you. This means personalized treatment plans that are designed for you and your addiction. Some facilities will try to use the same types of treatment plans for all of their clients. This lowers the chance of success and makes the process much more difficult.

Lastly, you want to know that the people who are helping you are passionate about treating addiction but also compassionate about what you are going through. As we mentioned, most clients don’t want to feel like a number, especially when undergoing treatment. The best treatment programs make you feel comfortable and wanted while going through the program. 

Atlas Healthcare Group is Here For You With Multiple Locations and Luxury Accommodations 

There are many things to consider when looking for a treatment facility for your addiction, but if you’re looking for a luxury recovery program near you, then you need to visit Atlas Healthcare Group at one of our locations today. We don’t just offer addiction treatment; we offer California addiction treatment in a luxury setting that lets you focus on the real goal, beating your addiction and returning to a normal life. It is possible to overcome your addiction and return to a normal life. Contact us today. 

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