Can You Work While in Rehab?

Can You Work While in Rehab?

Deciding to go to rehab is a courageous and applaudable step toward reclaiming your life. However, embarking on this transformative journey may leave you doubtful about certain things. For example, you may wonder, “can you work while in rehab?” This is one question those in recovery face, especially those who have responsibilities to take care of. This question will likely come up if you’re like so many other Americans battling drug use problems but still holding down jobs.

 Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration revealed that an estimated 10 million people with drug and alcohol addiction have full-time jobs. While this statistic is relieving, you can’t help but wonder if entering rehab will affect your employment. This blog delves into the feasibility of balancing rehab treatment with work and explores the intricacies of enrolling in a rehab treatment center.

Atlas Healthcare Group offers California behavioral health treatment that can help. Contact us today to find the best drug rehabs near you.

Can You Work While in Rehab?

The question of, “can you go to rehab and still work?” is one that many individuals about to go into rehab treatment are grappling with. The answer isn’t straightforward, as it largely depends on the program type and the explicit demands of the job. For example, inpatient or residential treatment programs have specific guidelines that don’t tolerate working while receiving treatment. These programs are thorough and highly structured, so there’s no room for “extracurricular activities.” The specificity is due to the nature of the substance use disorder. Individuals in residential programs have severe addiction problems, which may interfere with their work. As a result, individuals can’t attend therapy and maintain responsibilities.

Outpatient programs, on the other hand, permit individuals to work while in rehab. It is a step down from inpatient, as it’s not as intense as the latter. Facilities understand the essence of maintaining professional commitments and design programs that suit this need. Outpatient rehab emerged as a result of this. This program offers a viable option for individuals who have work commitments and need to get through recovery.

Outpatient rehab provides flexibility, enabling patients to balance treatment with work. The unique concept addresses the individual’s concerns about pausing their work for the sake of treatment. Understand that outpatient rehab programs cater to those with less severe addiction problems.

So in terms of feasibility, individuals can still attend outpatient rehab while working, and this is why it’s preferred to inpatient programs. The patient can attend therapy for a few hours in their off period and continue working later. This way, individuals can still fulfill their work responsibilities while in recovery.

Can You Decide Personally to Work While in Rehab?

The decision to work while in treatment needs to be carefully talked through with a medical expert. Your therapist will determine if you have the right mindset to work and attend therapy sessions simultaneously. This is why open and honest communication is essential. Your therapist can work out a way for you to manage work and recovery. A timetable may be created so that you work during the day and attend sessions in the evenings. Honest communication fosters the support you need to complete your recovery journey.

Combining work and rehab requires strategy. You must set realistic expectations and constantly inform your therapist and employer about your journey and needs. Set clear boundaries and prioritize time management. These essential components will foster balance and not affect your recovery. While doing that, remember to practice self-care. Focus on your well-being and allocate enough time for yourself. More importantly, take plenty of rest. Realize that your health is as paramount as your work and requires the same attention.

Can You Keep Your Job While Attending Inpatient Treatment?

If you have intense addiction problems, you’ll be enrolled in an inpatient program. Remember, you can’t work while in this program, and you’ll likely be worried that you might lose your job. Well! You won’t because the law protects you.

The Family Medical Leave Act allows workers to take a maximum of 12 weeks of unpaid leave for specific medical reasons, such as rehab treatment for addiction. However, the employee must work for a covered employer and meet eligibility requirements. Firstly, the worker must have had the job for 12 months. Secondly, the covered employer has at least 50 employees if it’s a private entity (public companies have no specific requirements to be covered). Once you return from your leave, you’ll be entitled to your pay and benefits.

Atlas Healthcare Group Can Help You Navigate Between Work and Recovery

Now you have the answer to the echoing question, “can you work while in rehab?” The possibility lies in the type of program. As mentioned, outpatient programs allow working while attending rehab sessions. This viable option helps you walk the tightrope of maintaining employment and pursuing recovery. You can work toward healing while reaching your professional goals.However, you need to seek the proper rehab facility that prioritizes your recovery and employment pursuits. Atlas Healthcare Group is a rehab center that helps you take steady steps toward recovery without sacrificing your work responsibilities. Work and sobriety are achievable, and we help patients to reach their personal and professional growth. Remember, seeking treatment is not a sign of weakness but indicates fortitude. Give us a call to begin your healing journey!

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